hot stories

heatwave today, kids couldn’t play outside and I didn’t want to give in to a screen based activity… so the idea just appeared on the edge of my mind – got out audio stories and WOW it worked a treat! They sat in the kitchen listening carefully, drinking water and nibbling a fruit platter for about 3 hours!

It’s a selection of Afrikaans stories and every now and then words we don’t use pop up, which is great for me hearing it again and an excellent way for them to learn and absorb. Win win I say!


I am starting a gratitude journal, something I’ve thought of for a long time. Today I’m thankful for my funky spunky family  – my two gorgeous kiddos who fill me with joy and teach me every day. And my lover and best friend who keeps me grounded.

Thank you for these 3 amazing souls to share my life xxx

ten steps into silly season

it happened again.

every year flies faster than ever before, the end just creeps up behind your back and screams BOO with a malicious cackle…

as sad as I am about the flying of time, I can see an end is needed – all around people are bubbling at the edges, getting weak in the bones and running on empty. it’s in the air.

I, on the other hand, have MUCH to accomplish before the end is nigh, and I feel kinda energised to do it, not like in totally perky, but enough stamina to shake some mountains just the way I like it…


too hot to handle

38 degrees in the mountains… brain melt! To combat the sticky and stuffy we had a few cold showers, ate home made icypoles and read some books.

This heat makes me wonder about passive solar house designs, thick strawbale walls and good insulation… so logical really, how different the world would be.


eclipses abound… tomorrow we’ll experience a glorious Lunar eclipse! Looking forward to it as the sadness of missing out on the Solar eclipse is still taunting me…

off to a dubious start…

Dear NaMoBloPo,

I have missed 6 days. Bleg.

Does it count if I ‘blogged in my head’? I did string words together and think in the 3rd person, reflecting on all the fun I was having and how I was going to put the glorious prose into this here blog.

Please forgive me and let me still play with you. I promise I will giggle and be delightful.

when time flies

but you’re not having fun… because time is warping at a speed that makes you all angst ridden and tight chested, and you just want to find the ‘stop’ button but life is stuck on fast forward… eek

at work, but not

have been back at work for two veeeeeeery long days,
not even 7 cups of creamy capucino can keep my eyes from
pondering off to dreamland…

this coming weekend we’re laying low
all the parks have free jazz concerts and we’ll be picknicking everywhere
and meeting up with friends we saw last last year

next weekend we’re going to the Rainbow Serpent Festival!!!
as ‘supervisors’, directing people and helping with parking – a clever way
of not paying $120 a ticket!
can’t wait – it’s the party of the year (3 days) with excellent acts
and great venue – camping in the fern forest,
river swimming and dancing away

and mon. is Australia day – we’ll have to leave the party in the early hours
cause that’s the day when Roc will become a real ozzie bloke – a whole
ceremony where he’ll be singing the song and planting a native tree


I hope 2004 kicked off with a big boomkabamba
and your year ahead’s packed with sweet and saucy delights
AND that it doesn’t just zoom by like last year!

yea, we’re back from an amaaazing trip up the east coast with by boetie
camping and tramping and swimming and braaiing and hiking and
rapid-dobbing and rainforesting and caving and everything but resting!

I start work tomorrow and feel soooo sorry for myself
as Roc still has a week of lazy loafing while I suffer reality
boetie (my brother) is still here, leaving for Cape Town in 2 sleeps  🙁
not looking forward to the big bye-bye
it’s so sad not to have your loved ones near…

we started off new year with an outdoor party squeezed in
between the beach and forest
was very cool, visuals and music out of this world!
then we headed off on our roadtrip, not having anything planned or booked
the suprise element and eeny-meeny-miney-mo on the map all turned out good
and we had excellent places to camp all the way
visited some aboriginal sites – Den of Nargum was great, with drawings,
caves and rock pools, the story of the Nargum sounds something like our
tokkolossie with the little creature snacking on children…